Life & Wellness, Wellness Coaching Lauren Kerr Life & Wellness, Wellness Coaching Lauren Kerr

LIFE AFTER COVID: Finding your flow again and working out what you should do next

I realise how important it is to slow down when I need to. I've been journaling a lot during the past few weeks, and it's made me realise that this rest isn't a choice. I'm not sure if I was on the verge of burn out, but I just have no more gas left in the tank – mentally, spiritually and physically.

Hey guys! 

If you've been following my Instagram posts and stories over the past few weeks, you'll know that I am in an interesting season of life right now. As we all are - I too, am working through my own shit.

You know you guys can always rely on me to be real and raw with you so I wanted to take the time to drop in, give a little life update and share with you what I’m currently navigating, as well as a few strategies I'm using to reconnect with my intuition. 

Anyone else here a recovering human doing? 

Image of Lauren Kerr on a Podcast

Image of Lauren Kerr on a Podcast

It seriously feels like I've been hustling my butt off for the last 10 years. I went straight from school to university on a scholarship. I was juggling multiple jobs whilst studying Psychology at university striving to get into honours. Next, my focus was on getting a job, but when I got my job in child protection, I enrolled to study life coaching on the side and started my my side-hustle.

Then I spent 18 months pouring all my energy into getting my business off the ground to replace my full time income. I’ve spent the last three years investing in my personal and professional growth, mentoring thousands of women how to master their mindset and create a life on their own terms, writing and publishing my book ‘Life Above Zero' and continuing to pour my soul, sweat and tears into my business in order to duplicate that success and keep the momentum going… 

After what might seem online like an ‘overnight success’, is actually 10 years of pushing,  striving, pursuing and doing… and now I've been gifted with the time to stop and breathe, and just ‘be’ and enjoy the fruits of my labour and the residual income I have been able to create with the network marketing profession.

It sounds pretty relaxing right? 

Well, in theory, it should be. But I'm the sort of person that thrives off doing. I find flow and fulfilment in setting goals and then achieving those goals – all at a million miles an hour. It might sound odd to a lot of you but stopping and trusting in the future, the universe and its divine timing is uncomfortable for me. 

Learning to slow down and relinquish control… 

Although I'm not very good at it, I realise how important it is to slow down when I need to. I've been journaling a lot during the past few weeks, and it's made me realise that this rest isn't a choice. I'm not sure if I was on the verge of burn out, but I just have no more gas left in the tank – mentally, spiritually and physically

I think it's quite a familiar feeling among creatives. When you're creating something, whether it's music, writing, art or anything else, you often feel so inspired and driven, that you become all-consumed. Then, when you finish your masterpiece, you're left feeling a little empty, lost and confused.

Babes in Business Podcast

Babes in Business Podcast

In my case – I've spent what feels like forever working on my book! Then when COVID-19 hit, everything was thrown out. I was no longer in control and could not push anything…shipments got stuck overseas; I couldn't record my audiobook as my flight to record interstate had been cancelled with my publisher, bookstores couldn't order my book and connecting with overseas suppliers was pretty tough.

But here I am learning to trust the universes divine timing and I am excited to announce my audiobook is now available on Audible and launches on the 12th of July, and the book will start popping up in book stores over the coming months.

So now that chapter is done, and out of my control, I'm left asking myself – what do I do next?!

To help with the changing of seasons and to reconnect with my flow, I've been trying something a little different:

My Surrender Project. 

The Science of Flow… 

You'll hear me talking about flow a lot, and it might sound wishy-washy, but there is actually science behind it. 

It's called the Art of Fulfillment and the Science of Flow. I've got a Free Masterclass if you'd like to learn a little bit more about that. Basically, research shows that people need to create specific circumstances in order to feel particular emotions. Being in these situations is also a massive predictor of fulfilment. So, if you're not feeling fulfilment right now, it could be because you're not creating conditions where you can find your flow. 

My Surrender Project…

My Surrender Project is about identifying what brings me joy, allowing abundance without the guilt that I am no longer hustling for it and unpacking my own self limiting beliefs around the need to run at one million miles an hour. Here are some of the things that are helping so far: 

  1. Every morning ask yourself: What would feel good today? Some days I book my hair in to get done, other days I might swap the gym for a nice walk, and sometimes it's about baking a banana cake and calling my best friend. It doesn't have to cost a lot of money or take a lot of time, but it can make a huge difference.

  2. Another thing that has helped me is asking myself these three questions: 

    a.    Do I trust and believe in my big vision? My Free Happiness test can help you find clarity in this goal and identify how you can work towards a goal that you believe in and aligns with your values if you don't feel like you have a vision right now. 

    b. Are your needs met today? Do you have what you need to put food on the table, have a roof over your head and do you feel safe?  

    c.    If so, then what is the next aligned step? This question has really helped me lean into the actions that feel right and allow me to experience more flow and connect with my gut / intuition / inner truth.

  3. I am a very logical, rational and science-based person (hence why Life Above Zero is about making spirituality science) but I do believe that we're all here because we've got something we're meant to do. Sometimes we make it so complicated because we let what's rational or logical get in the way of taking the next inspired step towards that vision.

    So another strategy that has been helping me work out my next move is to ask myself what I can give, rather than what I can receive. Because so often we make decisions and take action based on what we will receive in return for doing it e.g. money, recognition, accolades.

    But this strategy flips that on its head and makes you realise you have already received, look around at everything you have been gifted with; life, health, love, relationships etc.

    So rather than feeling like you have to do something in order to receive something in return, now you have already received, what would you like to give?

    When you come from that space; what would you love to give, contribute or create out of choice, inspiration, flow and alignment?

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Putting pen to paper again… 

The result of my time of reflection is that I'm spending every morning writing. It feels so good to be connected and in flow again. It could be my next book, who knows! 

I'm toying with the idea of calling it "The Surrender Project: The Diary of a Recovering Human Doing" and just share the journey, the inner workings of my crazy mind and the things I'm doing to rewire my workaholic brain, the strategies and activities that I've been exploring and the magic that unfolds from learning how to relinquish control and surrender to faith instead.

Let me know if you guys would love me to share those journal entries with you has I continue to surrender and navigate this next chapter in hope it might help you fellow human doings too.

Until then - Hopefully, these tips serve you and will help you find your flow again and work out what your next move is navigating life after COVID! I’ll keep leaning into My Surrender Project, and following the breadcrumbs.

Keep an eye out for my book too! Make sure you tag me in your photos if you see it in a book store close to you. I have been loving hearing what you guys are taking from the book.

Chat soon,

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Social Media Comparison is the Thief of All Joy 

I think this happens because so many women in the Western world do what they believe they are supposed to do or what they think society expects them to do. It might be to go to university, get a job, settle down, have a career, have 1.5 kids, get a mortgage or to own a house with a white picket fence, but these expectations are literally everywhere we turn. 

Hello there! 

What a crazy few months?! There is a lot of shit going on in the world at the moment. In Australia, we’ve had floods, fires, Coronavirus, an economic crash, the Black Lives Matter Movement, and we’re not even halfway through the year yet. I’m not dismissing any of this because I think it’s so important that we discuss these issues, but I also want to create a space for compassion and happiness. 

As you guys know, I’m a life and mindset coach. My background is in psychology, and something I’m really passionate about is helping overwhelmed and unfulfilled women find their personalised formula for success. Whether that’s in life, relationships or career, there is one key way to make sure we can reach our goals happily and healthily… 

The answer?

Learning that comparison is the thief of all joy. 


Plenty of women I meet feel guilty for not feeling happy or feeling that the more they chase happiness, the further away it seems to get. That's why it's called 'The Pursuit of Happiness' after all! 

I think this happens because so many women in the Western world do what they believe they are supposed to do or what they think society expects them to do. It might be to go to university, get a job, settle down, have a career, have 1.5 kids, get a mortgage or to own a house with a white picket fence, but these expectations are literally everywhere we turn. 

However, it's often the women that follow society's expectations to a tee that have the highest rates of depression and anxiety. That's because when we're so busy working to meet the expectations, we start comparing ourselves to others to track our progress. We're usually pretty quick to compare ourselves to our family, our circle of friends and other people on social media.

Comparison on Social Media.

We're all guilty of comparison on social media, but what we often forget when we're scrolling on Instagram is that we're comparing our behind the scenes with someone else's highlight reel. Unconsciously or consciously, we take on other people's values. We see women going on holidays, getting Botox, buying a new car or going to an expensive restaurant, and we think we need to see, believe or achieve these things to experience happiness ourselves. 

This game of comparison doesn't help you achieve your goals at all. Instead, its actually a thief of your joy. Instead of understanding that we each have our own personalised formula for success, happiness and fulfilment, we blindly look at what other people are doing. That's where we get stuck in the mundane rat race of feeling like we're doing the same thing over and over again, without making any progress. But that's not how you live your best life, that's actually how you hold yourself back from living your best life.

Living YOUR life. 

I read a really beautiful book recently ‘The Top 5 regrets of the dying’ by Bronnie Ware, about her experience of working in palliative care. During her time working with people as they approached their final days, she found that a lot of these people were saying the same things, and the number one regret was "I wish I had the courage to live a life true to myself and not one that others expected of me." 

It's a lovely idea, but I don't think we need to be on our death bed to realise this. Most of you in my community are in your 20s, so why wait until it’s too late to start living your best life. While you're still young, I really encourage you to stop and ask yourself if you're living a life true to yourself? If you know what your values are? If you're pursuing that in your career, your life and your relationships?  OR are you taking on other people's values, expectations and standards? If that's what you're doing, you need to realise that you're robbing yourself of happiness and health.

Lauren Kerr

Lauren Kerr

Reversing the comparison game. 

The first step to living YOUR life is to catch yourself when you're feeling unworthy or when you start comparing yourself to others. You might notice it when scrolling on Instagram, and you start asking yourself why you're not as successful, as happy, as fit or as popular as the person on your screen. 

When you notice these feelings, you need to pause…  

Then imagine you are that person…  

A lot of the time, the people we are comparing ourselves to are actually doing things that wouldn't bring us joy. I know often I look at people that are out socialising a lot and start questioning why I am always at home or asking myself why I don't go out enough. 

But when I think about it, I realise that if I were in that person's shoes, I wouldn't enjoy it because I'm much more of an introvert. I don't really like socialising or networking with people I don't know, I much prefer my own space.  When I check-in and think about if that would actually make me happy, I'm much less likely to feel those feelings of comparison and unworthiness.

Accept your feelings too. 

It's also important to remember that feelings serve a purpose. If you're feeling envious, maybe it's a sign that you're not honouring your personalised formula for success or that you've neglected something in your life that used to bring you joy. 

Check-in with your feelings when they come up and think about whether you need to pivot your behaviour or if you're just comparing for the sake of robbing your own joy.

Say yes to talking.

If this is all pretty new for you, I know it's a lot to start with, but I promise it gets easier! It's totally okay if you don't know how to talk about what makes you happy and brings you joy,  but it's never too late to learn! You can check out my free happiness test here that will help you work out what makes you happy so that you can incorporate those things into your life, job, relationships and business. It'll also help you set goals that align with your values.

I also did a happiness masterclass for the beautiful clients in my holistic health program, but it was so successful that I've decided to share it with you too. You can get your free recording and ticket sent to you by clicking here. 

In a time where there is a lot of chaos, judgement and opinion in the world, remember to light up yourself so that you can bring joy to others. 

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Business Coaching, Life & Wellness Lauren Kerr Business Coaching, Life & Wellness Lauren Kerr

BOOK UPDATE + 2019 REFLECTIONS / oh and let me reintroduce myself...

I hope you are feeling energised and excited for 2020 after having some quality time with your loved ones over the Christmas Break (I also hope you and your family are safe from the Aus bushfires) all my love, light and strength is being sent out to my fellow Aussies, our country and wildlife right now) and a reminder to open your heart, wallets and home where you can.

Happy New Year fam bam!

I hope you are feeling energised and excited for 2020 after having some quality time with your loved ones over the Christmas Break (I also hope you and your family are safe from the Aus bushfires) all my love, light and strength is being sent out to my fellow Aussies, our country and wildlife right now) and a reminder to open your heart, wallets and home where you can.

I guess I should reintroduce myself? Hi, I am Lauren Kerr! haha we had the most beautiful wedding the week before Christmas and spent the last few weeks in our love bubble with our nearest and dearest who had travelled all around the world to share our magical day with us.

The day itself was more beautiful than we could have ever imagined - despite everything leading up to it being a disaster (but I promise to share that in a later blog and all the wedding details/vendors - for now I will share a sneaky photo with you!)

So what now…

Over the last three weeks in my down time, resetting and getting re-inspired myself for a new year - I have read and listened to 5 really great books that I would love to share;

Take my Happiness Test Now for Fun

I only have limited copies for my community so get in quick and order yours if you would love to be one of the first to read it! Otherwise you will have to wait for the official launch date in book stores in Aus in March.

Signed Pre-ordered Copies

Pre ordered copies (will also be personally signed to say A BIG THANKYOU!) will start to arrive in your mailboxes the last week of January - the perfect time after the festive season has slowed down to set or revisit goals for 2020, dig deep and get clarity on what truly makes you happy and learn how you can make small shifts in your health, relationships and career to find the fulfilment we all seem to be chasing and try save as many as I can from the mental health epidemic.

AND YES WE SHIP WORLD WIDE!! - Order your copy here - and be sure to tag me in photos as they arrive. I can not wait to hear what you take from the book and what breakthroughs you have - all my heart, lessons and education has gone into it and I can not wait to gift it and pay it forward to you.


Annual goal setting…

Between reading, reflecting and journaling over our Wedding and Christmas hiatus - I did my annual goal setting where I set clear intentions for the year in each of my highest values (health, relationships, business, travel, wealth and personal development).

Goal 1

One of my goals I identified was to enjoy stillness. It sounds so simple but I honestly struggle to not only create more white space, but ENJOY it. I have the tendency to run a million miles per hour, juggling a hundred things at once (and getting them all done too may I add ) and then feeling guilty or uncomfortable resting. I’m your I’m your get shit done girl 🙋🏼‍♀️ - but one thing I realised amongst the hustle is I lost my connection to my intuition.


Some of you may know I twisted my ankle a few days before my wedding! I was supposed to be clocked off and in holiday mode but I felt restless and so decided to go for a big run and BAM

As I was reading Louise Hays book “you can heal your life” over Christmas, I had a little chuckle to myself that in her book she explained injured ankles translates to the “resistance or guilt around enjoying and accepting all the pleasure life has to offer.” Which rang so true for me.

Bouncing Back!

So here I am, committing to myself (and publicly to you too for extra accountability). This year I am making my spirituality and stillness a priority - connecting to my intuition through journaling, meditating, moon tracking and yoga AND rejoicing and accepting all the joy life has to offer (without the guilt 🥰).

I would love to hear your reflections from 2019 and what are you publicly committing to this year? I can not wait to start seeing my book in your hands, for all of you beautiful souls who have already ordered it - I am excited to see what 2020 has in store for you, be prepared for some mindset shifts.

Check out my Book

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Life & Wellness Lauren Kerr Life & Wellness Lauren Kerr

Why is it so hard to be happy? I have a few insights...

Do you beat yourself up about not being happy all the time? Do you feel guilty that no matter how hard you try or how amazing things may be in life - that you’re not over the moon ‘ecstatic’ even though you know you should be?

Do you beat yourself up about not being happy all the time?

Take my happiness test here

Do you feel guilty that no matter how hard you try or how amazing things may be in life - that you’re not over the moon ‘ecstatic’ even though you know you should be?

Lauren by Get Together Photo 152-min.jpg

Do you know research has found nobody is happy all the time?⠀

Researchers collected thousands of ratings from hundreds of people from all walks of life asking them on a scale 1-10 how happy are you at this moment and what is going on in your life?⠀

They discovered regardless of our external circumstances, that we live in a constant state of mild but not fully satisfying happiness.

Everyone pretty much wrote 7 all the time - from when they were buying milk, watching a son’s baseball game, pitching to a big client, missed a mortgage payment, mum diagnosed with cancer or loosing an arm.

Happiness would dip to the 2-5 for a short period of time but then would return to seven. Happiness is nothing but bobbing up and down and around our level seven happiness. ⠀⠀

This was true for extremely positive events as well. Getting a fat bonus at work, going on dream vacations, getting married - ratings would shoot up for a short period of time then settle back at seven.⠀⠀

Happiness is habitual. Learn to find happiness and fulfilment in everyday life instead of thinking you’ll be happy when... this is it guys!

Don’t underestimate your resilience or over estimate how much greener the grass is on the other side of the fence.

We may all have different things and be pursuing different goals externally, but internally the majority of us are having the same experience.

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Life & Wellness Lauren Kerr Life & Wellness Lauren Kerr

Are you craving some clarity, direction and passion for life again?

As you know by now, my background and studies have been in psychology. I am super passionate about mental health and even more so how people can leverage off mindset to create more abundance, happiness and health in their lives. I know we are in a mental health epidemic (and this may be controversial to say), despite the fact there are a lot of people out there with chemical imbalances needing medication I also believe there is a lot of people out there feeling stuck, "depressed", stagnant, unmotivated and uninspired about life for two reasons in particular;

Hey beautiful

As you know by now, my background and studies have been in psychology. I am super passionate about mental health and even more so how people can leverage off mindset to create more abundance, happiness and health in their lives.

I know we are in a mental health epidemic (and this may be controversial to say), despite the fact there are a lot of people out there with chemical imbalances needing medication I also believe there is a lot of people out there feeling stuck, "depressed", stagnant, unmotivated and uninspired about life for two reasons in particular;

1. They haven't set a goal.

We as humans actually get our fulfilment not so much from 'achieving' but from growing and evolving. Without a vision, a goal or something to strive towards, count down to or look forward to - you loose a sense of purpose or direction.

2. Or the goals you do have are extrinsically motivated.

You're striving to achieve goals, live or work in alignment with the values of what society or your parents expect of you, or what friends and colleagues will support.

So instead you abandon your truth, your gifts, your values and what lights you up and end up settling for a life of expectations, obligations and people pleasing without much joy, passion, expansion, freedom or authenticity suppressing 'the real you'.

In 5 sleeps my life coaching program launches!

I can't wait to be coaching my clients to help them get clarity on their values, setting goals that align with them, learning how to worry less about the opinions of others, how to regulate their own emotions, be responsible for their own happiness and stop self sabotaging!

Essentially learning how to live a life of thriving rather than just surviving

It isn't 'woo woo', we won't just be talking about the happy and fun parts of life or work - we will be getting real and going deep.

I will be there each week to hold you accountable, set small achievable goals and ensure you're making progress until you're in full momentum and living fearlessly and passionately your own Life Above Zero.

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Life & Wellness Lauren Kerr Life & Wellness Lauren Kerr

Are you a Mum?

Secretly I can not wait to be a mum… (well let’s be honest it’s not that big of a secret - I tell anyone who leaves me with their bubba ).

But when I was working full time I struggled to look after just me between a 50 hour week, 10 hours commuting, trying to be a good friend, daughter, sister, partner, keep the house clean, do the groceries, cook and somewhere in there work out. I was like f@&k how do mums in the 21st century do it all?


𝗔𝗿𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗮 𝗠𝘂𝗺? 

Secretly I can not wait to be a mum… (well let’s be honest it’s not that big of a secret - I tell anyone who leaves me with their bubba ).

But when I was working full time I struggled to look after just me between a 50 hour week, 10 hours commuting, trying to be a good friend, daughter, sister, partner, keep the house clean, do the groceries, cook and somewhere in there work out. I was like f@&k how do mums in the 21st century do it all?  

I felt like I was constantly chasing my tail, never getting ahead and deflated as I knew trying to fit kids into that mix would be stressful as hell, not to mention only having 9 months maternity leave then having to either live on one income or place my bubba in before and after school care just to spend 2 days a week with them and miss all their milestones... that is not what I wanted my motherhood to be like.

I don’t want to bring beautiful babies into this world just for someone else to look after them... 

That was my biggest motivator to start looking into other ways of working!

Ways I could still make a difference, have an identity outside of motherhood, have an awesome income, do something I am passionate about and enjoy,  educate and help people with their holistic health and happiness AND not have to sacrifice my career or magical moments with my future family. 

Voila .... that’s how Babes in Business was born! 

People think you have to be a “babe” to do business with us. You don’t.

That’s just where we were in our life when we started wanting to set ourselves up so when we are mums we don’t have to make the same sacrifices most women have to in the 21st century.

We work with a lot of mums in Bizz too - check out our video to get a bit of a vibe for our tribe and message me if you would love to hear more stories from other mums in our team and see the impact we are making collectively around the world, it’s pretty special. I won’t lie, I’m pretty proud of us.


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Sex, Business and Money

I love mentoring women to live a life of health, wealth and abundance. But one aspect that seems like it is "taboo" is the wealth aspect of it...yes, wealth in experiences and relationships, but also MONEY!

Why is it that when men are the breadwinners, and are proud of being able to support themselves and their loved ones, they talk about money and streams of income and they are just talking "business", but when women do is considered "rude", "arrogant", "cocky", or not "humble" or "grounded'?

How to have it all

I love mentoring women to live a life of health, wealth and abundance. But one aspect that seems like it is "taboo" is the wealth aspect of it...yes, wealth in experiences and relationships, but also MONEY!

Why is it that when men are the breadwinners, and are proud of being able to support themselves and their loved ones, they talk about money and streams of income and they are just talking "business", but when women do is considered "rude", "arrogant", "cocky", or not "humble" or "grounded'?

The reason I am so passionate about empowering women to talk about about their finances is because 80% of women who are under the poverty line weren't when they were married.

Which means we either rely on men for an income or, we don't know or understand how to manage our finances or investments.

Did you know today, that 1 in 2 marriages end in divorce? And so many women stay in abusive and unhappy marriages/relationships because they are are financially dependent on their partner.

Take our Free Happiness Test

Having children and losing an income to stay at home to look after them and shower them in love is one reason for this, which brings up my question to you beautiful boss mummas out there (or young women like me who are questioning when they will be in the position to be able to do so without fear of finances) ... when you are working for a living, when you stop working... how do you afford to live?

Obviously, you don’t go into a marriage or relationship expecting it to end, or a job expecting to be be laid off, but it happens. So if you're relying on a parter, a job... you're putting your future in someone else hands.

So babes, lets empower each other and make it ok to talk about it... Sex, Business and Money!

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Love & Gender Psyc... lifezero Love & Gender Psyc... lifezero

Girls... lets talk about boys

How many of you are on the other side of a beak up or currently trying to make it through one?

I did a live on this earlier this week and would love to know if this video resonates with you on how girls and boys deal with our shit differently.

If you have a gf who needs to hear this feel free to share it with her, sometimes they just need to hear it from someone else.

Hey girls... lets talk about boys

How many of you are on the other side of a beak up or currently trying to make it through one?

I did a live on this earlier this week and would love to know if this video resonates with you on how girls and boys deal with our shit differently.

If you have a gf who needs to hear this feel free to share it with her, sometimes they just need to hear it from someone else

If you would love to read some of my previous blogs on gender psychology and some fun facts on how and why we deal with our shit differently you can have some fun below, I am sure I am not the only one that wonders if we are really from Venus and men are from Mars am I?

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Do good things come to those who wait?

So many people come to me and they all want a better than average life but most are not willing to put in more than average work. We live in an era where life is fast paced and we want it NOW - we are wanting people to promise and deliver quick fixes and, do good things really come to those who wait?

Well do they?...

So many people come to me and they all want a better than average life but most are not willing to put in more than average work.

We live in an era where life is fast paced and we want it NOW -  we are wanting people to promise and deliver quick fixes and, do good things really come to those who wait?

Listen to the Istagram Live I shared this week on the tips, tricks, psychology and research behind success in health, wealth, relationships and life!

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Life & Wellness lifezero Life & Wellness lifezero

My Biggest Lesson

Recap on the biggest lesson I have ever learnt

If you missed my live this week on my Facebook...

I spoke about my biggest lesson that I have ever learnt - one that  my beautiful mum taught me when I was very young and it continues to come up time and time again, ensuring that I don't forget it.

Don't place your expectations on others

This is something that once learnt you can apply to friendships, relationships, colleagues at work and our wider society.

Tune in to understand why you should and CAN fearlessly live and love with your heart on your sleeve, be the best version of you, live your life accordance to your values and up to your own expectations.

People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway.
What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.
Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway.
— Mother Teresa
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Life & Wellness lifezero Life & Wellness lifezero

How I took control of my weight, skin and happiness AND MAINTAINED IT!

21 Days of Meditation to Raise Awareness for Mental Health

AND IT'S UP! Click below on the link to support us on our challenge in the Healthstyle Emporium this month to be happier and healthier with our 21 days of meditation in to raise awareness for mental health and the services Headspace can provide with our 21daysofHSEbliss.

I have been talking to so many women lately who are struggling with self-esteem and self talk because of being unhappy with their skin and weight...I had my own personal story and I know it doesn't seem like a big deal until you suffer it yourself so I wanted to share my tips and tricks (and some facts regarding psychology and research) on how you can finally take control of your weight, skin and happiness - and MAINTAIN it!

I speak about the effects stress has on the body and why it is so important to come from a place of love and not fear, which is why I'm loving our meditation challenge in the Emporium this month.

We would really love your help in leaving a legacy behind and inspiring change around the world by raising awareness and inspiring one person at a time to be the healthiest and happiest version of themselves. If you would love to be involved in something bigger than yourself, please don’t hesitate to message me or share my video above. I would love to hear from you!

Sending you all big love and wishing you a beautiful day!

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Feel the fear and do it anyway


How to deal with Fear Podcast

Many of you already know I stepped out of my comfort zone last week and did my first podcast featuring on Ignite your Legend. We spoke about how to identify and remove road blocks which are preventing you from living your own Life Above Zero.

I share what tools I personally use to push past negative self-talk, why I decided to leave my comfort zone, carve my own path and start my own business in hope I inspire and empower you to "Feel the fear and do it anyway”, because we all know that's where the magic is, when your forced to grow Empowering you to live a Life of Health, Wealth and Abundance

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Don't Complicate It

Time to make things simple

I hope 2017 is treating you well! You may of seen over Christmas, photos of my travels around Mexico, Colombia and Cuba! I have definitely started the new year feeling refreshed and enlightened, it was an awakening becoming so aware of how fast paced and complex our lives are in comparison to the time warped Cuba!

When did we get in such a hurry?

In the western world we make things so complex - but in terms of our health and happiness it really is quite simple; we need to get right back to the basics, we need to stop complicating things.

It's sad but nearly everyone I know and the clients I work with, are overwhelmed, overworked, overfed yet undernourished.

We are bombarded with so many options and so much information, we throw our hands up in the air and give up.

Let me simplify it for you

If you're feeling grumpy, unfulfilled, lethargic, stagnant, in a slump... do at least one, if not all of the following things:

  1. Put love back into your food. Eat more Wholefoods! Eat more food that has been touched by the sun as it contains natural energy. Eat to fuel your body not to flaw it.

  2. Drink more water.

  3. Move your body every day. Include conscious movement into your lifestyle, do things you enjoy, run, walk, swim, dance, kick the footy, ride .

  4. Love and invest in your relationships. Put in as often as you takeaway and get rid of the relationships that don't make you feel good.

  5. Reflect. Just like Alcohol addiction - ask what role is technology having in your life? Use it as a tool don't let it use you.

  6. Practise Gratitude. Be thankful for your running clean water, warm showers, our health care system, a roof over your head. When you come from a place of abundance, you attract abundance.

It's rocket science right? ;)

Have a beautiful, simplified day lovers

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The secret to happiness and success


The Secret to True Happiness

My partner recently said something to me that stood out… and got the reflective juices flowing, resulting in this blog! I was telling him the exciting news that I had just been offered a position at work, that I really wanted. His response was “Of course you did Lauren, if only once you didn’t get what you wanted.”

I told my Dad the same good news, his response was similar, “Of course you did, you’re Lauren, everything always works out for you.”

At first, I was offended by these remarks from the two men in my life that I seek approval and attention from. What they said sounded to me like I was a spoilt brat, who gets whatever they want handed to them on a silver platter. I know that was not their intention. I know, and they know (and anyone else who witnesses how hard I work, constantly and whole heartedly knows) that is not the case.

But, They are Right…

But yes, they are right, in some way or another, I do always get what I want. There is a process to my thinking surrounding these things:

  • I have a hard think about what I truly, deeply want/need, to be a happy and healthy human.

  • I question what receiving or gaining that would give me or change in my life.

  • I allocate my time and energies accordingly.

That is why I am a Life and Wellness coach; I want to teach others how they can get what they want, how to live the life they want and how to be the person they want to be. If you’re not going to go out and get it, no-one else is going to give it to you.

So, I’ve decided to share with you my personal formula for happiness and success (to me they are the same thing!)

1) Have a Vision

Firstly ask what is success to you? Is it a personal vision, is it a feeling, way of life, a position? Is it wisdom, ownership of materialistic possessions? In one on one life coaching in my practice – I help people become aware of their goals, their passions and purpose, then I coach them to set and achieve goals in accordance to them.

A good way to get the goal or that vision in your head is creating a vision board or write a letter from your future self! It sounds corny but just try it (or feel free to email me if you want help), and from there, work backwards…

2) Acceptance

When I don’t get what I want - I don’t stamp my feet and chuck a tantrum (although I am sure there are occasions growing up my Dad would probably disagree with that). In the real “adult” world, I handle closed doors and disappointments very differently.

This is why people may have the “illusion” that I always get what I want, because I practice acceptance. I say if I had always got what I wanted, I would be one unhappy girl today. I have learnt to be thankful for closed doors, detours and roadblocks, because they protect me from paths and places not meant for me.

Sure, I have thrown a little pity party for myself, but have learned to free myself from them as I gain emotional intelligence and maturity – you need to be able to identify your feelings. Recognise them and give yourself space to allow them. Experience those feelings, otherwise they don’t go away they just get suppressed.

However, I don’t let my pity party turn into a pity bender - I shift my thought patterns, motivation and commitment to an alternate route and keep moving forward, with more enthusiasm! When I get knocked down, I get back up again, trusting the universe has bigger better plans for me (this is where religion may play a role for some).

3) Be Kind

I am kind to everyone I meet. Everyone.

Whether they be in my professional or personal world, I am always kind (this can be challenging sometimes working in Child Protection, nonetheless I do it anyway). When you are kind and help others, most people are kind in return, and are happy to help you on your road to success.

If you need something; help, advice or to be introduced to someone who can help, usually, a person you have been kind to will be more than willing to help out! So don’t have ulterior motives, help others and be kind to every soul you meet, it’s called ‘Karma’ and it will return the favour some day!

4) Be Genuine

When I say I am kind, that does not mean I am fake or sugar coat my words. I don’t beat around the bush or just tell people what they want to hear (this would definitely not work in Child Protection). Sometimes, if I have something I need to say that may offend someone, I will say it anyway (nicely). I can explain my intentions; if I have to say something that might hurt someone’s feelings I explain that I’ve said it in the best interest of that person (and check back in with yourself, reflect and question yourself to ensure it really is!

How will this person benefit from hearing what it is you have to say? Does it really need to be said if it is at the risk of hurting their feelings or beating their self-esteem). I explain to them, I am telling them this because I care for them and want to be transparent with them.

5) Work hard

Identify your end goal, and ask how badly do you want it? What are you willing to sacrifice for it?

It is true, if it was easy we would all have it or all do it.

Sometimes it is easier to whinge and moan, to blame it on bad luck and on others, than it is to take ownership, to take accountability and to step up and make changes.

If you want to lose weight, but aren’t willing to eat a balanced diet or get your body moving – then you obviously don’t want to lose the weight bad enough.

If you want an A in your next exam, but you want to keep watching that TV series instead, it’s obvious that don’t want those grades bad enough.

If you want true committed love, yet aren’t wiling to suck up your pride and have the uncomfortable discussions with your partner to work out your issues, then guess what? You don’t want the relationship bad enough.

Working hard isn’t about instant gratification either, if you want something - work at it - do not give up. It’s about persistence, it’s making sacrifices today for something you might not necessarily see tomorrow or the next day, but trust you will reap the benefits in a month or years time.

This is how University works! I am sure a few of you reading this are just like me and juggled 3-4 part time/casual jobs whilst studying at uni, knowing in 4-5 years time it would all be worth it! Same as going for a run (despite the fact you do get instant release of endorphins) you can not expect to drop weight after one run, it comes back to consistent work.

If the end goal is truly something you madly, deeply want, something your heart is longing for, then the hard/persistent work won’t discourage you, you will go to bed dreaming about it and wake up excited about it! And if you don’t, revisit your goal, ask yourself do you truly want it? This is leads me to…

6) Reflection.

This is a biggie for me. I frequently reflect to ensure the life I am living is in accordance with my values, things I believe are important. This is how I make decisions and weigh up what sacrifices are worth making, or if I am sacrificing too much. A way I keep this in check, is by using my ‘mission statement’.

It is little piece of paper I have written and keep in my diary, I have identified my top 5 values and articulated how the person I aspire to be would ideally incorporate these into their life accordingly (I will share this strategy in my next blog).

By reflecting, I ensure my behavior is aligning with my values, essentially making sure I am walking my talk. I reflect the purity of my intentions and ensure they are not manipulated by society, status, fashion or money – as these are things I have identified in my mission statement are not values of mine that I want to be controlled or dictated by.

7) Forgiveness

In life you must have emotional balance - just like you need a healthy dose of work and play, veggies and sweets, sun and rain. There is happiness and sadness. It is inevitable you are going to get hurt. But, don’t let the world make you hard. Love and live whole-heartedly. Forgive.

Don’t hold onto negative energy hating, bitching or stalking someone’s instagram/Facebook pages. All that does is make you spiteful and heavy.

It takes way more energy to hate than it does to love…so forgive…

It’s like my favourite saying “resentment is like drinking poison hoping it will kill your enemies” Nelson Mandela. Forgiveness however, does not necessarily mean to forget. Make an executive decision, you are your own boss – do I want this person in my life?

If I do… fair enough - acknowledge what they did was wrong, realise they are capable of doing it again, love and accept them anyway by planning for it or not allowing them to be in the position to hurt you again.

Be a lover not a fighter, and know better for next time. If you decided – No, you don’t want that person in your life anymore - then that’s also fair enough, respect yourself to walk away from anything that no longer serves or grows you.

Appreciate that lesson and let it go. Don’t waste energy ruminating over it, forgive them and use that energy to be constructive, move forward and closer to your success and happiness.

So, this is my personal formula. It may not work for everyone, but that’s the whole point of Life Coaching – identifying what is important to you, the individual, and living your life accordingly.

By practicing these 7 things in my life, I am a happier person, people often describe me as “happy - go lucky” and a “go getter”, I am motivated yet, also at peace with where I am. I get to live life light, with no baggage, no regrets nor hatred. I can look at myself in the mirror and be proud of who I am, because I treat everyone the same regardless of what they have to offer me.

Like everything in life - it comes down to balance – be a nice human but don’t expect things to be passed to you because of it – you still have to get up and chase those big dreams yourself…but that’s where the fun begins ;)

If you feel you need a little help please reach out – you can find some of my life coaching programs.

Sending happiness and success your way,

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A hug a day DOES keep the Dr Away


A Hug a Day keeps the Dr Away

So if you haven’t already heard or checked out our holistic health program the Healthstyle Emporium, it is our very own sacred space where we empower our clients to be the healthiest and happiest versions of themselves. With access to all of our resources, such as monthly educational webinars, one on one coaching, access to our amazing team of health professionals, it’s a place where you can dive deep on our meal, exercise, yoga, and meditation guides. 

The best part about it is… we have regular challenges! We are currently in our 14 days of bliss challenge, where we are empowering our clients with daily assignments, rituals and routines aimed at eliminating and managing stress - the biggest contributor to unhappiness, disease and belly fat! Day 9’s de-stress activity was HUG THERAPY!

So, what is Hug Therapy?

You might agree, yeah hugs are nice, but what the hell is hug therapy?! Hug, snuggle and cuddle therapy is a new 21st century phenomena sweeping across our high tech world, where people are charging anywhere from $60- $90 per hour for healing, clothed, therapeutic, nonsexual touch.

However the theory of touch is not a new one! Research from as early as the 20th century investigates child development in which nurture (in the form of a soothing touch) plays a critical role.

Security & Relationships

  • Research has discovered how essential physical touch is, not only for emotional regulation in children but also in adults and has consequences for the relationships individuals form later in life. One of the very first studies on touch was the infamous Harlow study which demonstrated that baby monkeys prefer a cloth doll without milk as a mother substitute over a metal doll with milk. We have come a long way in conducting ethical research since then, and I think it’s safe to say worldwide we agree that babies need to be held. There is evidence that adults who were frequently hugged and cuddled during early childhood display fewer stress symptoms than those less-hugged counterparts.

  • Hugs teach us how to give and receive. There is equal value in receiving and being receptive to warmth, as to giving and sharing. Hugs educate us how love flows both ways.

  • The nurturing touch of a hug builds trust and a sense of safety. This helps with open and honest communication.


As adults we can live without hugs, but research proves we are happier with them!

  • When we touch others we release oxytocin (known as the “pleasure” hormone) which increases feelings of attachment connection, trust and intimacy and heals feelings of loneliness, isolation, and anger.

  • Holding a hug for an extended time lifts one's serotonin levels (known as the “happy” hormone”) which elevates your mood.

  • Hugging boosts self-esteem. From the time we’re born, families’ touch reinforces we are loved and we are special. Association between self-worth and touch from our early years becomes imbedded in our nervous system. The cuddles we received from our Mum and Dad while growing up remain imprinted at a cellular level, and hugs remind us at a somatic level of that. Hugs, therefore, connect us to our ability to self-love.

  • Hugging relaxes muscles, enabling tension to be released from the body. Hugs can take away pain; soothing aches by increasing circulation into the soft tissues.

  • Similar to laughter and meditation, hugs encourage us to practice mindfulness, reminding us to let go and be present in the moment. They teach us to detach from logical thinking patterns - connecting you with your heart, your feelings and your breath.

Better health

  • High levels of stress can weaken the immune system, making us more susceptible to illness and infection. However, research has found that physical affection also alleviates stress reactions in adults, by decreasing heart rate, blood pressure and cortisol levels (known as the “stress” hormone).

  • Hugs strengthen the immune system, as the gentle pressure on the sternum creates an emotional charge activating the solar Plexus Chakra. This stimulates the thymus gland, which regulates and balances the body's production of white blood cells, keeping you healthy and disease free.

A hug a day, CAN keep the Dr. away!

Today we live in a fast paced, high stress world – where millions of us now live and love via our social mediums, with hundreds + friends on our Facebook, instagram, twitter networks, and yet somehow many of us are able to move through the entire day without having experienced one human-to-human, warm-bodied hug – isn’t that sad?

It’s cold and flu season again — so make sure you get plenty of sleep, get some extra vitamin C and… hug each other a little more! It’s that simple – Reach out and hug your partner, your friend, your co-worker, your family…and your life may not only feel better but last longer!

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Do you need Yoga in your life?


How Yoga can help you in everyday life

So… most of you may of seen over the last few months we have launched a holistic health Program called the Healthstyle Emporium!

It’s an online hub where health professionals have linked arms from all around the globe – yogi’s, qualified psychologists, skin experts, rieki healers, exercise scientists, PT’s, nurses, nutrition/health and life coaches – to be able to deliver a program that educates, empowers you to make sustainable healthy life choices and nourishes your mind, body and soul.

One of the Amazing Health Professionals I have been fortunate enough to work with is Chani Carroso – who is the infamous Nutrition Coach and Founder of Healthy Peach.

 For our beautiful clients in the Healthstyle Emporium, Chani is running a 30 DAY MAY YOGI CHALLENGE – exclusive to all our members, just another goodie that comes with our programs.

Are you someone who has always wanted to try yoga?

Maybe you've started but you're not really vibing like everyone else. Maybe you're on a health quest trying to find the answer, be it fitness or spiritual... and you feel like the answer is in yoga, but you can't really see what all the fuss is about?

30 Day May Yogi Challenge

With the 30 DAY MAY YOGI CHALLENGE which started today, Chani wrote about why you need this beautiful ancient tradition in your life.  Below is Healthy Peach's Featured Blog / be sure to check out our program The Healthstyle Emporium to get a chance to work with her and soak up the knowledge, wisdom, energy and positive vibes our team have to offer!

yoga handstand

yoga handstand

What is Yoga? 

Yoga means “to come together”. So what exactly are we bringing together when we breath deeply, twist, bend, stretch and hold funny looking poses?

Historically, the yogi’s (people who practiced yoga) believed that yoga could unite people with the entire universe, and bring an understanding to us, that all living beings are one, be it humans, tree’s, microscopic bacteria or your pet pooch.

Today, the modern yogi philosophy preaches a life of comfort, kindness, happiness, feeling great and feeling more alive. Yoga to me in a modern context, means bringing all corners of our life together into a delicious holistic harmonious circle of life… and finding balance within that circle. Love, career, finances, spirituality, creativity, joy, home life, relationships, physical activity, home cooking, health & power. More on that later!

Its super simple to practice yoga. You may think yoga isn't for you because you might feel as though you're not flexible, fit or strong. Maybe your mind wanders. But this is the funny part - yoga has nothing to do with all of that.

The number one rule and focus of yoga is…wait for it… breath. Yup! If you can breath - which I'm guessing if your eyes are peeled to this blog right in this moment, you are alive and you CAN BREATH. So guess what, you can practice yoga & be really really good at it!

Yes, at times you must balance like a tree or arrange your body into a cobra, the physical component of yoga comes with practice and strong will. After continuous love and devotion to your practice, I promise you, you will lose weight, strengthen your muscles, increase flexibility and circulation, increase healing, boost your immunity and calm your nervous system all at the same time.

What will yoga do for your mind and soul?

Oh, where do I begin. You become less reactive in stressful situations, like during a confrontation or when every single light on the way to work is red but you were meant to be there 10 minutes ago.

You’re able to care less about others opinions and criticism. You judge yourself less. You’re able to stick up for yourself in ways you didn't think were possible and you’re able to stand your ground. When you’re walking or driving through your every day life, you notice how beautiful that little butterfly floating in the wind is or how amazing the tree’s look with the sun glistening on their green deliciously thick foliage.

You feel spontaneous moments of gratitude for the little things in life like having 10 fingers and toes and having a roof over your head… however they may look like or whatever type of roof that may be. You smile in the most mundane moments, because you see the message. You are more present in life, living in the now rather than in the what was or what could be. You feel more compassion for others and you let go of situations with much more ease.

In time, your yoga practice will evolve into a lifestyle of peace and gratitude, you’ll stand up a little taller, breath a little deeper, be a little more honest with yourself (and others), your intentions will be a little more grounded and your mindset will be a little more beautiful. The perfect antidote for the modern day stressors.

So why does this all happen…

How does a physical exercise completely transform your body, mind & soul?

Its all starts when you realise you can quiet your mind THROUGH your body, and through YOUR BREATH. When your toes hit the mat - the magic begins. And the most beautiful part of it all, the benefits and magic follow you off the matt and weave themselves into your life.

According to the ancient philosophy of yoga, EVERY human is compassionate, loving and peaceful. Yoga just helps us first find that goodness within ourselves, and in others too… No matter who they are. Yoga helps you cut that umbilical cord to the anger, resentment, judgement and doubt we have within ourselves and towards others. And the more you practice yoga, the more clearly you will see how imperfectly perfect you are, as well as everyone else.

No matter what your skill level is, or what your goals are - whether your goals are spiritual, physical, or you’re just curious to see what all the fuss is about about one of the world's oldest traditions… The wise yogi knows it's not the destination that should be in sight, but the process & the journey itself. Perhaps, it's not what you’re longing for that will bring you complete happiness, maybe it's right now - this very little moment - that is the actual reward.

So I invite you, join us in The Emporium for the month of May - and delve deep into our juicy 30 day yogi challenge [details below].

Namaste x



To celebrate the release of The Healthy Peach Yoga + Stretch guide this month, we will be holding a 30 day yogi challenge exclusively within our gorgeous online hub, The Healthstyle Emporium.


What's involved? 

  • Every day for 30 days we will focus on one asana (pose),

  • A variety of sitting poses, standing poses, balancing poses, forward / back bend poses & 2 advanced poses for the courageous yogi's.

  • You will learn the benefits of each asana,

  • Step by step instructions on how to complete each asana,

  • Tips for beginner, Intermediate and advanced yogi for each asana,

  • How and when to move, lengthen & strengthen in each asana,

  • How to breath through each asana (prana & apana)

  • Which chakra/chakras are being energized,

  • Daily intention and mantra for you to have a delicious day ahead.

Each day, the asana of the day will be posted with all the information in The Emporium.

How to get involved?

You must post a picture of your asana in the thread of each daily post. Prizes for the most involved and creative photo taking yogi babe will be given at the end (including active wear by Muscle Republic, a Doterra ice blue rub for those achy muscles and joints + yummo juice plus shakes).

Starts today, the first Monday of May. 

Wishing you health & happiness.

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