Welcome to The Surrender Project: the diaries of a recovering 'human doing'

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I am so excited (and to be honest a tad nervous) to share with you a personal project I’ve been working on...

The Surrender Project - the diaries of a recovering ‘human doing’.

An uncensored blog talking about things I think a lot of us women in the 21st century are thinking… but are too scared to say out loud. It’s real and raw. I talk about drugs, sex and rock and roll (if Kings of Leon and Fleetwood Mac count?) The Inner workings of my crazy mind.

It might be my next book…

Think of it kinda like ‘Sex and the City’ mixed with ‘Eat Pray Love’….but a blog. I don’t know where we are going to end up. But that’s the point right?

Surrendering control

I’m surrendering. Come along for the journey if you would love to see if my learnings of my personal project could help you slow down too and start being a human ‘being’ instead of a human constantly ‘doing’.

Anything goes

Only rule is I let my husband proof read my blog each week before I send it out. Because although I’m happy to bare all, doesn’t mean he is too.

And I respect that… 

So heads up: the timeline is a bit delayed because I’ve been working on this little personal project of mine for a couple of months now, umming and ahhing about whether I should share this with you or not.

But I thought I should take my own advice:

  • I always tell my coaching clients and women I mentor in business that the magic happens out of your comfort zone.

  • If you’re scared….good. Lean in. It means you’re growing. You’re evolving.

  • Something exciting is about to happen.⠀ ⠀

  • But I have been scared to be vulnerable. Scared of judgement. ⠀ ⠀

  • So I am walking my talk, trusting my intuition and taking inspired action (even when it feels scary to).

So despite the time lag, at least you get to see the journey from start to end and witness my beliefs and reality evolve.

Be warned: considering these are ‘diary entries’ they are probably what a lot of women are thinking but not saying out loud…

Unlike my first book which is a lot of education, research and psychology, this is more personal and a conversational tone... and about delving into things that research can’t always explain and your brain can’t rationalise or see as I start to explore my own spirituality.

Because it is so different from my usual content and what most of you are used to reading from me - I’ve decided to keep it slightly separate. 

So if you want to come along the journey with me - join my ‘The Surrender Project’ newsletter where I’ll be sharing a blog weekly.

R Rated Content 18+

You’ll still get all my usual stuff but this is something just a little more intimate, juicy and probably more controversial. So if you do opt in to come on the ride - be warned it’s R rated so please don’t message me afterwards and say I didn’t pre warn you! If you don’t want to read it - don’t sign up! Simple.

Uncensored Diary Entries

These are my uncensored diary entries. Not the facts. Not the truth. Just the way I (sometimes struggle to) see the world through my tainted goggles.

I am not here to change your mind or argue with you about certain subjects I am personally navigating. I am just having arguments with my own inner critic (she is a crazy bitch) and airing out my own dirty laundry and baggage so other women and fellow ‘human doings’ out there can have a laugh and realise they aren’t alone in their own f*&#ed up thoughts…

See you wild ones on the inside…

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